Cosmetic Lotro

Wandering Bard

Next on my list of cosmetic endeavors is collecting all the ceremonial Rift cosmetics from the Skirmish barter. The helms are so stunning that I just have to have them all. It will take a lot of fumeroles to get the entire collection, but what else am I going to do with my skirmish marks anyway?! I already have the Thrill Seeker’s helm so I picked the Wandering Bard’s helm next. The style of this helm points to the Haradrim designs again, so I got dressed like a pilgrim in the desert, a Wandering Bard. In the process of designing the outfit I found use for my Death Shroud as well. Of note: this outfit looks great on a woman or elf too!

Head: Ceremonial Wandering Bard’s Helm, sienna dye (skirmish cosmetic from Rift of Nurz Ghashu)

Chest: Death Shroud, default dye (Halls of Night tokens barter)

Shoulders: Daervunn’s Shoulders, sienna dye (quest, light)

Hands: West-land Gloves, sienna dye (crafted, heavy)

Feet: Soft Stitched Boots, default dye (outfitter)

Back: Plain Cloak, default dye (outfitter)


  1. lol, it’s really funny how telepathy sometimes works 🙂 i made a completely different outfit just using similar cap, and i titled it a “wandering bard”… 😀 i was already going to rename the post, but then i thought – let’s call it a night of wandering bards :))

    anyway i love your outfit, it’s a pity the robe won’t be so shiny white for a long time in the desert :))

  2. Kwiat

    Awesome! The best “robe” outfit I have seen in w long time! I’m definitely going to wear it. Thanks. 🙂

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