About me

I am Hymne, and I used to play on the Snowbourn EU server, then I moved to Laurelin EU and have been happily playing there ever since. When this blog started out, my main character was an elf minstrel, Hymne, but somewhere in time she got replaced by my loremaster. However I have kept the name Hymne as my name on social media.

I have been playing Lord of the Rings Online since EU beta and have a lifetime subscription. Though Lotro for most players is about gear, for me Lotro is about outfits. Whenever I loot items, receive them as quest rewards, find them on the auction house or barter them after doing an instance, I check its appearance with the preview feature (ctrl+leftclick). For me it’s all about the looks, not about the stats. Gear only lasts until the next update. Cosmetics last a Lotro lifetime.

From 2011 to 2014 blogging about Lotro outfits was my passion. After those wonderful years I kind of burned out on blogging and took a much needed break. The break took longer than I thought. I continued to play Lotro but kept all my new outfits to myself.

Then the legendary servers opened in november 2018 and I started playing on Ithil. The legendary servers are very limited in terms of outfitting options because you cannot bring your wardrobe with you and content is only available up to the level cap. This makes creating attractive outfits extremely challenging. Inspired by the challenge of creating something decent, I decided to share my Legendary Server creations on my blog again.

I feel a renewed invigoration to continue this blog again, and hope it provides some ideas to those who visit my blog for some inspiration!




  1. Freyjuska

    hi hymne! sorry for spamming here, but i didn’t find a contact on the site. i’ve started my own lotro cosmetic blog, could you please promote it? i listed yours in my links too. i consider your blog a great inspiration ๐Ÿ™‚


  2. Melneth

    I found your site from casual stroll to mordor and absolutely love it! I was wondering if you would take requests for outfits? I have a male elf hunter as an alt and while I enjoy the class, I know I would love it so much more if I could find an outfit that I Iiked. My request is this, could you make an outfit for a male elven hunter (no robes as they would just get caught in the brush) that makes him actually appear masculine?

    • Hello Melneth, thank you for your comment. I can try to do something for a male elven hunter but whether or not that would be useful to you depends on what pieces of armour and what levels you have access to. I can try to make something but there is always the possibility that I use pieces that you need to replace for something else. Devonna from Lotro Stylist has access to a high level hunter, and she made a number of nice outfits. I suggest you also check out her designs: http://lotrostylist.wordpress.com/2011/04/12/an-elf/

  3. Hey Hymne,

    Im Caelas from the Laurelin server and although not as actively as others (RL prevents me from putting lots of time in LotRO but thats a good thing ๐Ÿ˜‰ ) I also enjoy getting different outfits. I just like to say i love you blog and the outfits you have on them… good inspiration for me to get some more ๐Ÿ˜‰

    If its ok ill sent you some outfits i have but i first have to make some nice screens… any tips on making those screens look really good?


    • Hello Caelas, thank you for your kind comment :D. I gave a short explanation about my screenshots in this comment. There is nothing special to it really, other than that I usually only take them outdoors and in daylight (from morning until afternoon), preferably a place with some sun.
      I don’t take guest submissions for my blog but if you do have some great shots I highly recommend you send them to Devonna from Lotro Stylist. She has a special guest submission blog: Friends of the Lotro Stylist, and she features the best submissions on her own blog. I would like to see what you send in!

  4. Pingback: 20% off clothing, accessories and wardrobe space! « Cosmetic Lotro

  5. Treelove

    Awesome blog. I to am also about outfits and pets to my loremaster. Keep up your good work spreading the word. Lotro is just like paper-dolls with their outfits. Among my favorites are the Robe from Halls of night and Mask of the Raven.
    Blessed Be
    Treelove/Treebliss/Treewyn on Gilrain

  6. Great blog, amazing outfits selection! I have added your blog to my kinship`s blog blogroll ๐Ÿ™‚


    Congrats and keep up with the fantastic work!

  7. Osolep

    I am absolutely stunned at some of the outfits you have created, just beautiful. Makes me wonder why so many LoTROians have such bad fashion. ๐Ÿ˜‰

  8. Elahndria

    Its amazing how you take items that i normally vendor away.. and make them into an awesome outfit! Thanks to you, I have no vault space now ๐Ÿ™‚ I save almost every new look i find. Thanks for an awesome site!

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